Vector 6SE70 VC Uživatelský manuál

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Strany 1 - Vector Control

DROM-02069Quick Startup Guide forSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES6SE70 VCVector ControlSection 1: Parameterization of Base DriveSection 2: Parameterization of Re

Strany 2

Page 10 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Frequency InverterDC-AC typeDC510V to 650VPWEAir CooledPWEWaterCooledOrder Number In[A]*14 6SE7016-1TA61 6.110 6SE

Strany 3

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 11Frequency ConverterAC-AC type3 AC500V to 575VPWEAir CooledPWEWaterCooledOrder Number In[A]*11 6SE7014-5FB61 4.55 6

Strany 4

Page 12 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Frequency InverterDC-AC typeDC675V to 810VPWEAir CooledPWEWaterCooledOrder Number In[A]*12 6SE7014-5UB61 4.56 6SE7

Strany 5 - Parameterization of Base Unit

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 13Frequency InverterDC-AC typeDC675V to 810VPWEAir CooledPWEWaterCooledOrder Number In[A]*1161 6SE7043-3UR60 3270.01

Strany 6

Page 14 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000DC890V to 930VPWEAir CooledPWEWaterCooledOrder Number In[A]*177 6SE7031-0WG60 97.081 6SE7031-2WF60 118.089 6SE7031

Strany 7 - P070 = ?

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 151.2 Factory ResetP053 = 6P060 = 2P366 = 0P970 = 06: Parameter Changes permittedvia PMU and Serial Interface(OP1 an

Strany 8

Page 16 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 9

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 171.3 Basic Start-up without Motor Connected to Load1.3.1 Volts/Hz without EncoderP060 = 5P071 = ?P095 = ?P097 = ?

Strany 10

Page 18 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 P106 = ?P107 = 60P108 = xxxxP115 = 1P340 = 3P383 = xxxxP452 = 100P106 = NEMA Motor Nameplatedeffi

Strany 11

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 19P453 = -100P060 = 1P128 = xxxxP462 = xxxxP464 = xxxxP443i2= 11P453 = Maximum Reverse Speed inPercentage (usually -

Strany 12

Page 2 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000We reserve the right to modify functions, technical data, standards, drawingsand parameters.We have checked the con

Strany 13

Page 20 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Connect External Wiring as connection diagram.Step 1: Dry set of contacts between terminals X101, pin#1 and pin#5

Strany 14

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 21Speed value is determined by P402. A selection of P402=100% will bea full speed reference setpoint.Step 6: Fault

Strany 15 - P970 = 0

Page 22 Version 1.0 March 1, 20001.3.2 Volts/Hz with EncoderNote: Complete section 1.3.1 before operating the motor with encoder feedback.P060 =

Strany 16

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 23Additional Connection for +15 Vdc Encoder.Step 10: Set Speed Reference to 20%.Step 11: Provide Start command. N

Strany 17 - P105 = ?

Page 24 Version 1.0 March 1, 20001.3.3 Vector Control without Encoder FeedbackNote: Complete section 1.3.1 (Volts/Hz control without encoder feed

Strany 18

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 25P115=5 Wait P115=5 Controller OptimizationAlarm message “A080” will appear,and a start command must be issuedwi

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Page 26 Version 1.0 March 1, 20001.3.4 Vector Control with Encoder FeedbackNote: Complete section 1.3.1 (Volts/Hz control without encoder feedbac

Strany 20 - Connection Points

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 27 WaitP115=5 WaitThis test will adjust the followingparametersP103, P120Wait for display to change backto o00

Strany 21

Page 28 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 22 - P060 = 1

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 291.4 Drive Control WordFunction Diagrams will be referred to in brackets with their number. Please refer tofunctio

Strany 23

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 3Note:This Quick Startup Guide is not an autonomous document, but is intended to direct users tothe section in the O

Strany 24 - Wait

Page 30 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 25

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 311.5 Communication Board ConfigurationP060 = 4CBx Inserted?P711 = ?toP721.1…5 = ?SLB Inserted?P740 = ?P741 = ?P742

Strany 26

Page 32 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 27

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 33Section 2:Parameterization of a RectiferUnitSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES6SE70 VCVector Control2.0 Power Section Defintio

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Page 34 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 29

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 352.0 Power Section DefinitionNote: Power Section is pre-defined at the factory. Power SectionDefinition is requir

Strany 30

Page 36 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Unit ListP070: Parameter Value (PWE)P075: Rated DC Output Current in Amps In[A]Large Common RectifierAC-DC t

Strany 31 - Automatic number of

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 37Regenerative RectifierAC-DC type3 AC380V to 460VPWEAir CoolPWEWater CoolOrder Number In[A]14 6SE7022-1EC85-1AA0 21

Strany 32

Page 38 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Regenerative RectifierAC-DC type3 AC660V to 690VPWEAir CoolPWEWater CoolOrder Number In[A]36 6SE7031-4HE85-1AA0 14

Strany 33 - Basic Start-up

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 392.1 Factory ResetP051 = 3P052 = 2P077 = 0P052 = 0P052 = 1P51=3 : Export ModeP52=2: Function select “Initializatio

Strany 34

Page 4 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 35 - P052 = 0

Page 40 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 36

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 412.2 Basic Start-up (Regenerative Rectifier withoutAutotransformer)P051 = 2P053 = 6P052 = 5P071 = 460P320 = 20P773

Strany 37

Page 42 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000P052 = 21P052 = 0With DC BUS connected to theCOMMON DC BUS of the system, setP52=21 and provide a start commandat

Strany 38

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 43Connect External Wiring as connection diagram.Step 1: Dry set of contacts between terminals X101, pin#6 and pin#1

Strany 39 - P052 = 1

Page 44 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 40

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 452.3 Basic Start-up (Regenerative Rectifier withAutotransformer)P051 = 2P053 = 6P052 = 5P071 = 460P320 = 20P773 =

Strany 41 - Autotransformer)

Page 46 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000P571 = 0P318 = 95P052 = 21P052 = 0P571=0 Selects AutotransformerP318 = 95%Selects percentage of nominalDC BUS vol

Strany 42 - P052 = 21

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 47Section 3:Simovis Trace Setup MethodSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES6SE70 VCVector Control

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Page 48 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 44

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 493.0 Simovis TraceLoad Simovis fromVector ControlDocumentation CDLaunch Simovisfrom Desktop IconAdd a Drive inSimov

Strany 45

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 5Section 1:Parameterization of Base UnitSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES6SE70 VCVector Control1.1 Power Section Defintion1.2 F

Strany 46 - Regenerative Rectifier with

Page 50 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Select Trace fromDiagnostics Menu BarVerify DriveConnectionGreen Box should be lit upin the lower left cornerDoubl

Strany 47 - Simovis Trace Setup Method

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 51ADCBSelect Record Settings inthe Lower Left CornerSelect Desired Channelsto RecordSet the Record Intervaland Pre-t

Strany 48

Page 52 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000BACDSelect “Function BlockGrafics” from theParameter Menu BarSelect FunctionNumber 289Zoom X 2(with right Mouse cl

Strany 49

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 53Go to the Trace Window(Diagnostics Menu – Trace)Verify Record SettingsStart TraceTrigger TraceObserve Status Messa

Strany 50 - Green Box should be lit up

Page 54 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000ABCSelect Data Trace AClick Data Set tomake it ActiveScaleVertical AxisBClick and Dragscale to shift it upand down

Strany 51

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 55Section 4:When to Re-Tune the DriveSIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES6SE70 VCVector Control

Strany 52 - U952.89 is selected with 289

Page 56 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 53 - Observe Status Message

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 574.0 Conditions that would merit re-tuning the driveHardware additions made to the drive, such as an output reacto

Strany 54

Page 6 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000

Strany 55 - When to Re-Tune the Drive

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 71.1 Power Section DefinitionNote: Power Section is pre-defined at the factory. Power SectionDefinition is requir

Strany 56

Page 8 Version 1.0 March 1, 2000Unit ListP070: Parameter Value (PWE)P072: Rated Output Current in Amps In[A]Frequency ConverterAC-AC type3 AC

Strany 57

Version 1.0 March 1, 2000 Page 9Frequency ConverterAC-AC type3 AC380V to 460VPWEAir CooledPWEWaterCooledOrder Number In[A]*13 6SE7016-1EA61 6.19 6S

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