the Bell Jar vacuum technique and related topics for the amateur investigatorVOLUME 10 NUMBER 3/4 SUMMER/FAL
III. UPPING THE INPUT FREQUENCYAs noted above, the efficiency of a voltage multiplier isrelated to the values of the capacitors, the inputfrequency an
few kV at several hundred watts I figured this couldmake a useful supply for my small plasma reactor.For the subsequent step-up I took one of the larg
The Hivolt/HiTek Power transformers are definitelyoverkill for any use I have - anyone wanting to replicatethis could use a less massive ferrite core.
I. MOTIVATIONS I’m interested in doing some sputtering of varioussemiconductor materials. Constructing a DC sputteringsystem seems relatively straigh
base with a little vacuum grease. I’ve made a number ofvacuum chambers with Pyrex salad bowls using theserubber seals. I’ve used a circular steel base
working my way though different gases, argon inparticular.The weakness of the system is the glass jar. I’m notsure how long it will last. I sure that
I. INTRODUCTIONAs I’ve mentioned before, I regularly receive a varietyof questions and requests from people who hear aboutthis publication. The ones f
III. A SIMPLE PROCESS I figured that while deairing is a common and simpleprocess (put the material under vacuum, pump down toenlarge, dislodge and bu
last night with epsom salt at the base (for snow) and puta glass penguin in...this morning there is NOT ONEBUBBLE to be seen!!! Now the epsom salt usu
I. INTRODUCTIONIn the previous issue we looked at Cartesian divers andhow they evolved into pressure measurement devices. Inthis final installment we
iithe Bell Jarthe journal ofvacuum technique and related topics forthe amateurinvestigatorISSN 1071-4219Published quarterly.Subscription price is $20.
the Bell Jar, Vol. 10, No. 3/4, Summer/Fall 200118Figure 1 - Gilmont’s Cartesian Diver Pressure Controllers.
IV. CLOSED LOOP CONTROL In “Leaks: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly” we sawhow closed loop control is applied in a mass flowcontroller with the control
that is within the valve. A flat spring centers thearmature and also provides a countering force to themagnetic field. The usual arrangement is normal
with nitrogen gas. A detailed discussion of orifices iscontained in another previous article, “The Speed ofSound, Shock Tubes and Potato Cannons.” Thi
overshoot. In this case the derivative element would befairly strong. In the case of “C” the system reaches thesetpoint quickly but overshoots and osc
VII. DOWNSTREAM CONTROLThis is the most complex and flexible of the pressurecontrol methods. Downstream control is utilized when itis necessary to con
I. INTRODUCTION A previous article, How to Make Buckyballs, appearedin tBJ Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1993, pgs 7-10. This articleis included in the compe
into each other horizontally, they were now pushedlinearly into each other vertically. This allowed muchmore graphite rod length to be consumed in a t
nanotubes. Additional fragments of popcorn are usuallyscattered around the baseplate at the end of a run.IV. COLLECTING SOOTThe soot is gently swept i
A vastly improved approach is to use a SoxhletExtractor. It operates in a fashion similar to the oldpercolator coffee makers, with freshly distilled s
toxic. Distill away as much of the collected solution atthe end of an extraction as possible. This solvent canthen be used again. You can find inexpen
I. INTRODUCTIONA few years ago (Winter of 2000 I believe) I picked upa number of high voltage multiplier assemblies andsome related parts from a local
junk box to find something more suitable for driving thecascades directly from the 60 Hz mains. In a dark cornerof my basement I found two matched AMP
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